I don't feel the need to post on here when I'm in a good mood, so my postings become fewer and farther apart. I suppose that's a good thing!
I had my last BHCG test done yesterday, results are in today at <2 (I guess they can't detect less than 2) Which means the miscarriage is finally over. My doctor gave me the "ok" to start trying again immediately because now she knows to treat it as a new pregnancy if I were to start having pregnancy symptoms again. Last time we didn't follow the numbers all the way down, so we weren't sure if it had ended or not properly. Plus I don't have to have any medical interference, my body dealt with it naturally.
We decided to wait a few cycles, so I can get into a rhythm again. That way we will know when to try, and we will have an exact time line for the pregnancy vs an estimated guess on when conception actually took place.
I start school on January 18th. I'm super excited! In order for me to afford to go, I have to extend the classes, however. Meaning rather than graduating April 2012 I have to graduate January 2013. I was so focused on getting pregnant around July/August this upcoming year so the baby would be due after I graduate. My husband said I can easily take a semester or two off for pregnancy, as long as I'm already working at Kaiser.
Which is true! My entire goal is to get into Kaiser, which I can do with just 1 semester vs 8. So I could get a job as early as April this year, after the semester is over. Then we can try for a baby when I get the new job. The whole point is to be able to get a higher paying job so I can afford to live without needing a roommate. Plus, I'm out of Nob Hill. That's a huge accomplishment! I still can't believe I'm out of there for good. I feel like I'm just on vacation.
So all in all, everything is good. I've had more lab tests done to try and determine if I'm prone to miscarriages and they all came back negative. It was just a chance miscarriage, like most are. I'm very healthy, too. My doctor has nothing but good things to say. It helps my self esteem to know that things I can't really control (hormones, blood type, other conditions) are all great. I don't have any clotting disorders or blood type abnormalities or diseases that would prevent me from getting pregnant or carrying a very healthy baby full term.
So, I think that 2011 will bring on many good things for us!
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