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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I never thought I would be happy to see my dear old Aunt Flow! But I am!! I've read the first one after a miscarriage will be anything but normal so not to expect anything. So long as for 1 day it's heavier then it's a real period. I've read it can be incredibly heavy the whole time, so long as it doesn't last more than 2 weeks, or that it can be incredibly light with only a day or so of slightly heavier bleeding. Right now it's very light spotting really. But it's something!!

I am so proud of my body. To have read how bad these things can go and to know that my body is taking care of everything as it should is amazing. Here I am, only 23 days after the last symptoms of the miscarriage went away and I'm back in a rhythm. I have heard from so many women that it can take months to get a cycle back. This means we can decide to start trying again asap.

I think I will use my new monitor (when I get it in the mail) this month just to see if I even ovulate. I know it can take some time for my body to start ovulating again, and I don't want to try every day this month to no avail and get really upset only to have not ovulated at all.

I also don't have the desire to actually try yet, either. I feel nervous and scared like I always do. Especially now that I KNOW I CAN get pregnant. Before, I got so many negative tests I just thought it wouldn't ever happen, and the ONE TIME we tried differently it happened. So I know we can do it again when we want to.

Right now I'm so excited to start school and get into a lifestyle I will enjoy that having a baby seems to have taken the back burner. I mean, I enjoyed being pregnant, but I have to remember the big picture here. I want my degree. I want to have the best possible life when we have a baby. I don't want to think, "I should have waited." If I get pregnant now, I'll have the baby right before graduation. It would make it just about impossible. So, I think I will wait things out like I originally planned. We can really start trying again this July/August so I'll have a due date after graduation. To have a goal is wonderful! Plus I can continue to work towards losing these last 15 pounds. I didn't gain anything over the holidays, so this should be easy.

I'm so happy with everything right now! My body, my life, my husband, my friends and family. I couldn't ask for more!

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