As of February 5th there will be a 28.7% chance for an accurate result on a test. There's a chance it could say negative and I'd really be pregnant, there's a chance it really is negative, but there's ALSO a chance it will say POSITIVE. If I could use that chance to happen to sneak a positive out early I'll take it! Any sooner than that and it's a guaranteed NO.
I am so anxious I can hardly contain myself!!!
I'm back to where I was a month ago when it wasn't necessarily the answer or outcome I was nervous about, it was GETTING an answer - ANY ANSWER! If it's negative I can plan a nice month next month for my husband and I. I can try different things to keep it exciting and different ways to heighten our chances of pregnancy. At least I'll know what to plan for. I know the answer I get next Saturday won't necessarily be accurate, but at least if it's an early positive I can rest easy with that!
If it is negative I'll likely take a test each day for about 5 days. 5 days after Saturday would put me at 4 days before a missed cycle. I am capable of taking a test so early since I have such a LONG cycle, which benefits me! I don't have to wait until I've missed my period to test.
*crosses fingers*
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