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Friday, January 14, 2011


I have some friends who are pregnant. They know about how difficult it was for me when I went through the miscarriage. At this point I would be 18 weeks pregnant. We would have found out by now if it was a boy or a girl. I would be showing by now (even just a little) The world would know that we were expecting a baby.

Anyways, these friends know how hard it is for me to be constantly reminded that I'm not pregnant. Some days are better than others, but most days are bad. No matter how much I tell myself, "What's a few more months of waiting compared to the lifetime you'll have with your baby" it doesn't seem to make it easier to wait, especially when I see my friends having babies and being pregnant.

One friend IM'd me and started saying how sick she was of being pregnant and just wished the baby would get here already. I'd give anything to be sick of being pregnant...

I just want those to know, who are pregnant, don't go on and on about your pregnancy to someone who has no children and had a miscarriage. It's like adding salt to the wound. Not that you do it on purpose, and I know you are excited about your own pregnancy, but still. It's painful enough to see all of your maternity pictures or read all of your posts about what the baby's doing inside you or what you bought for the baby, etc. Let alone have to listen to you brag about it.

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