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Friday, February 4, 2011


I've felt a little "off" these last few days. I'm still getting negative pregnancy tests. Today is 8DPO, CD25. I started having a little bit of bleeding yesterday and it's continued through today. Just minimal, really. But it's there. It's way too early to be my period, so I don't know what to think of it. I had these faint twinge like pains from the day I ovulated until yesterday. I woke up in the middle of the night Thursday to a more painful cramp that was rather brief, but still painful. Later that day I noticed the bleeding. Yesterday the twinges seemed to have stopped but today they're back and a little stronger. I feel like I'm going to start a period. I have cramps that start in my side then work their way down my abdomen to my cervix. They're not necessarily painful, just uncomfortable and have made me feel like I'm bloated and yucky.

I don't know what to make of any of this. I'm logging it so if I go through this next month before a period I will remember more clearly. I never have cramping or bleeding prior to my period. Never. Even the cycle after the miscarriage was fairly normal. I started spotting 6 days before my period really picked up but that was considered normal as my body had a lot to get rid of since it can't do all of it through the miscarriage the first time. It takes it a while. Well all of this started 12 days before I'd expect a period. Not 6. Too far off to be from that.

I don't know. I'm taking pregnancy tests twice a day just to be sure. I want to catch it the moment that hormone rises above 10 miu/ml. Now that these feelings and symptoms seem to be coming on a bit stronger I would expect something to give rather soon.

Either I will start a period or I will get a positive test. I'm all for either at this point - just to have a solid answer. The odds are there, if we try like we did this month at least a couple more months in a row, we WILL get pregnant. So long as we're trying I feel comfortable and happy.

I'll take another test in the morning when I wake up, on 9DPO. I'm getting closer and closer to a concrete date - a date where the test will be deemed accurate, so a negative would really mean negative in the next week and a half or so.

Still crossing my fingers and hoping to see a second line!!

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