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Sunday, February 6, 2011

I love when I'm right :P

I KNEW the symptoms I've been having were pregnancy symptoms. They are very light, but they're there. The twinges were my first clue. I had these when I was pregnant before. I thought for several weeks I was going to start my period. The twinges are from my ovaries releasing progesterone and from my uterus thickening.

The mild spotting I had over the last few days was implantation bleeding. It stopped last night some time and I haven't had any since. I kept telling myself that maybe I was starting my period early, but no :P

It's too early for any other symptoms just yet. In about a week or so they should pick up. Especially since the HCG in my system is rising already. Last time the symptoms were intense. My chest hurt so bad I couldn't sleep on my stomach, my back, my sides, anywhere. I couldn't stand because gravity would pull on them. When I went swimming it was fine until I got out of the water and gravity had a hold of them again then OMG it hurt. The twinges were like clock work, every few hours for about 5 minutes. The mood swings were insane. And the cravings! I don't even like shrimp but I NEEDED shrimp. It was so strange! No morning sickness then, I hope I don't have it this time! I've had moments of nauseousness.

In class on Friday I had a wave of nausea while doing a group project thing. One of my classmates was talking to me and I had to tell her to hold on. It was strange.

So we'll see how this goes.


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