I was pretty worried about the whole "chemical pregnancy" thing, where you get pregnant but it doesn't take. You would only know this happens if you take a very early pregnancy test, it comes out VERY FAINT positive, then a week later you have a period (and a negative pregnancy test) You just caught when the hormone STARTED to rise, but it didn't go any further than that.
Well I'm now past that particular phase :P My pregnancy tests come out stronger each and every day. They're almost BOLD positives, one more shade darker and it will be the same as the control line :P I have zero signs of having a period - all the spotting I had completely stopped several days ago as my doctor said it would (Last pregnancy I spotted the ENTIRE time) My symptoms are getting stronger and stronger every day.
I can't wear the perfume I love because it makes me nauseous, every time I get hungry I cook something really nice that normally I love then when I sit down to eat, I can't eat it because I feel like I'm going to throw up. I haven't actually thrown up yet, but the queasiness and lightheadedness is there. My chest hurts a little more each day. The twinges in my side (small pains) are more regular now rather than just all day long - more like for a few minutes every couple hours, and not quite as painful as they were. Now just annoying :P
I wouldn't trade any of these symptoms for anything in the world right now! They might make me feel crappy, but I love it!
I really feel for my poor Hubby. He was heartbroken when we lost the first pregnancy. He's been afraid to get attached to this one, as I totally understand.
I had to tell him that we can't rob this pregnancy of all the excitement that goes with it because of a bad past experience. We can't love this one any less because we are afraid to lose it. It would be like if I were to stop loving Devin because I am afraid of how I'll feel when the circle of life catches up. This new baby deserves all of our affection, love, excitement, joy, etc. I refuse to hold myself back.
He seems to be feeling better. He's actually helping me look at baby stuff now, like names :P He was sending me links to websites he found that listed baby names. We made an excel spreadsheet with our favorites so far. He's starting to call us "3 of us" again, like when we were pregnant the first time. I think he's letting himself in again. I'm very happy to have him be with me and love me and love our little family :P
I really do have a good feeling about this pregnancy. I can't wait!!
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