So I decided to divide up my remaining pregnancy tests into particular days. I've been taking 2 tests a day and still negatives, of course. I have this underlying hope that in the 12 hour window between tests just MAYBE my hormones will spike or something lol. I'm going mad constantly testing, though. I have 16 tests left and 10 more days of testing.
I also have 4 of my digital tests left, too. I decided to date the tests and divide them up so that only just a few days will I do 2 tests, every other day I'll do 1. I also threw in a random digital test just in case these cheapies aren't working or something lol. I am going to test every day until 2 days after my period is due.
I'm actually assuming my period will be due by day 37 since once in a great while it's that late. If I still haven't started a period by day , or February 15th, and am still getting negative pregnancy tests I will email my doctor and request a blood test.
No symptoms have changed. They're still there, the few I do have. Mild cramping off and on all day long since I ovulated 10 days ago now. Spotting that started this last Thursday that went from pink to brown (I explained more in my previous entry) I've been like a bottomless pit - eating and eating. Even when I'm full I feel like I can't get enough to eat. Not that this is a symptom, it's just odd since I've been so diligent about diet and exercise. Normally when I work out I don't really eat more than my body needs. I feel like all I think about is food - any and all kinds.
Still hoping for that faint second line, though! Each time I test I KNOW it's going to be negative. So to see a positive will be a real surprise!
At least my period is due very soon now. Like another week at most. I'm right in the middle of the 2 week wait. It's almost over! I will have an answer soon, regardless of what it is! I have always been one to plan ahead and I feel like everything is on hold until I know where this goes. If we have another month to try again or if we've done it already, or when to start preparing for a new family member, or what. I just want to know what's next in the immediate future.
*crosses fingers and toes!*
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