I'm finally supposed to get my tests in the mail today. I'm super excited to try one and see what it says! I've been using the expensive ones I got a while ago that are only sensitive to 50 miu/ml. Plus they are digital. They won't register positive if there's a hair of a second line whereas if I take a test that will show colored lines I can determine if there is a second line or not.
It's hard to remember what my symptoms were like at the beginning of my last pregnancy. I know I ovulated on day 11 and I didn't bother to take a pregnancy test until 24 days later (cycle day 35) It was BOLD positive that day. I had symptoms at least a week prior to that. I remember the Friday before we left for Hawaii, cycle day 28 I was having lots of symptoms. I remember having cramping thinking I would start my period at any time. My boobs were also hella sore. I just don't remember when those symptoms started kicking in. My mom even joked with me that I might be pregnant but I didn't bother to take a test because I honestly didn't think it was going to happen.
So I guess the symptoms started kicking in around 12 or 13 DPO, or cycle day 24 or 25.
Right now I am on cycle day 23. I also ovulated much later this cycle. Day 23 of my pregnant cycle I was already at 12 DPO. This time I'm 6 DPO.
I have been having small pains/twinges in my right side since the day my monitor said I ovulated. I looked up online to see what that cause would be and I guess the fallopian tubes contract to move the egg through to the uterus. But it normally only lasts for a couple days. It's now been 6 days.
It's too early to be pregnancy twinges, I mean the egg would only JUST be implanting its self if it did fertilize. I don't know.
Otherwise I have no symptoms of anything - just these twinges. We'll see!
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