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Friday, March 18, 2011

Getting close to our first visual!

So today I am 9 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My first ultrasound is this upcoming Tuesday, 3/22. I'm so excited I can't stand it!! I'm not really nervous as to what we're going to see, I'm just happy to see our baby! I KNOW our baby is doing great, what with all the symptoms I've been having!!

I'm going to go totally public on my main Facebook page when I have a photo. I'm going to change my profile pic to the ultrasound pic and see how long it takes people to notice :P

It's finally starting to sink in about being pregnant. I've felt so horrible these last few weeks that I haven't really felt "pregnant." Just insanely bloated, or crampy, or nauseous, or sick overall. Now that I've gotten into a rhythm with my medicine and I know what routine works well for me, the nausea is pretty much a horrid memory. The cramps have diminished a lot. They weren't really 'cramps' necessarily, just deeper twinges in one side (which I read was from my ovary that ovulated creating hormones to support the pregnancy until the placenta takes over hormone creation.)

I've read that this usually starts to take place around week 8 and the placenta is fully functional around week 12-13. So my symptoms should be starting to diminish as it is. I can tell it's getting easier! Plus I finally feel pregnant, not like I'm sick.

I've experienced tightening in my lower abdomen, which I hadn't had before. I read when it's low like that it's because things are preparing to expand. Which is good!!

I haven't had any signs of any impending issues. No bleeding (just the very light spotting I had around week 7 that ended after like two days). No cramping (just twinges). I know that everything is ok! I can't wait to see a little beating heart on the screen next Tuesday!!!!

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