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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Implantation bleeding??? I hope so!!

This blog has very girly content. Sorry for sharing TMI but it helps me think!

Since my husband and I stopped trying after my ovulation monitor went back to low fertility I started using tampons 24/7 to see if any implantation bleeding might occur. Implantation bleeding doesn't always happen and it only occurs in about 1 in 5 pregnancies (usually because the women don't notice it happening) Its usually just minimal spotting/bleeding. It can be such a small amount you wouldn't notice it. Its just from the fertilized egg burying its self in the uterine wall. Implantation can occur anywhere from 6 to 12 days following ovulation.

I am on day 7 past ovulation. Today I had very minimal spotting, so minimal I only would have noticed with a tampon. I NEVER bleed between periods. We haven't had sex since Monday so it isn't that. I have had zero bleeding since the end of my last period.

I woke up in the middle of the night to minor cramping. I've had twinges since the day I ovulated but this was a little heavier, heavy enough to wake me. This mornings pg test was neg. I actually lost my hopes this morning and almost didn't take the test.

If (that's a big IF) this was implantation, I should get a positive test soon, depending on how much hcg is being produced. Some pregnancies start out with low (normal) levels and don't give you a positive test til you're already 5 weeks, so a negative doesn't always mean you're not pregnant.

If I don't have a period by February 15th (and still neg pg test) I will ask my dr for a blood test.

Please let this have been implantation and not some odd womanly occurrance!!!

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