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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm finally supposed to get my tests in the mail today. I'm super excited to try one and see what it says! I've been using the expensive ones I got a while ago that are only sensitive to 50 miu/ml. Plus they are digital. They won't register positive if there's a hair of a second line whereas if I take a test that will show colored lines I can determine if there is a second line or not.

It's hard to remember what my symptoms were like at the beginning of my last pregnancy. I know I ovulated on day 11 and I didn't bother to take a pregnancy test until 24 days later (cycle day 35) It was BOLD positive that day. I had symptoms at least a week prior to that. I remember the Friday before we left for Hawaii, cycle day 28 I was having lots of symptoms. I remember having cramping thinking I would start my period at any time. My boobs were also hella sore. I just don't remember when those symptoms started kicking in. My mom even joked with me that I might be pregnant but I didn't bother to take a test because I honestly didn't think it was going to happen.

So I guess the symptoms started kicking in around 12 or 13 DPO, or cycle day 24 or 25.

Right now I am on cycle day 23. I also ovulated much later this cycle. Day 23 of my pregnant cycle I was already at 12 DPO. This time I'm 6 DPO.

I have been having small pains/twinges in my right side since the day my monitor said I ovulated. I looked up online to see what that cause would be and I guess the fallopian tubes contract to move the egg through to the uterus. But it normally only lasts for a couple days. It's now been 6 days.

It's too early to be pregnancy twinges, I mean the egg would only JUST be implanting its self if it did fertilize. I don't know.

Otherwise I have no symptoms of anything - just these twinges. We'll see!

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