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Monday, February 21, 2011


Over the last few days, I've noticed my symptoms lessen. I'm so nervous now. The same thing happened about a week before I miscarried last time. I don't have the twinges like I did. The nausea is nowhere near as strong. I'm tired, but it's not like it was - not as obvious.

I emailed my doctor. She won't be in until tomorrow or Wednesday (when I go to email her online it says she's out through 2/22) There's not much she can do, but if I would be able to go in to see if everything is ok, it would settle my mind. I expressed my concern about getting closer to the same date I miscarried last time.

I should be 6 weeks tomorrow. If everything is ok, we should be able to see a heartbeat soon. Last time the baby didn't grow enough for a heartbeat.

Come to think of it, the symptoms would have stopped around 6 weeks and 5 days. So I'm right around the time frame last time. Ugh I'm going crazy!!

I'm glad I emailed, though. It can't hurt to try to see if everything is ok, or at least see what a professional has to say. I've given up on searching online for answers. Just because something works one way for one woman doesn't mean that's the norm.

I hope the symptoms just seem less because this time I'm exercising. I always feel better when I work out, so maybe it's helping to curb the bad symptoms - or at least mask them.

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