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Friday, December 10, 2010


I just started passing tissue. So far it's two marble sized pieces, one had a clear-ish lump in it which I'm assuming is.........

My doctor is having me go in for another blood test next week the day before I go in for an ultrasound, so we can go over everything together. She wants to make sure this "was" a new pregnancy and not still from the miscarriage.

I am hoping this is from the previous miscarriage... 2 miscarriages in a row??? So far I'm not upset, just thoroughly confused. I'm happy my doctor is helping.

1 comment:

  1. omg. Melissa!! noo!! i am hurting for you. i wasn't sure if what i read on fb had anything to do with this so i hunted down your blog address thingy to find out. I hope you get answers, i'm sure i won't be seeing you today, no worries, we'll pick back up once you feel up to it. I'm sending my love/prayers/good thoughts to you guys, i never thought you were going to have to deal with this again. I am so sorry.
