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Monday, January 31, 2011


They said they've shipped my pregnancy tests today! I should get them within 1-3 business days :P

I've been doing a lot of looking around online at when women started getting positive tests and really, it depends on the woman and the baby. A lot of pregnancy test websites have an area for positive test images and have a paragraph from each person stating when they took the test, how long they've been taking that particular test, what other tests they've used, etc. There were a few that were able to get positives super early, like 7-12DPO. Most, though, don't get positives until they've missed their period (so 14DPO-ish) and some didn't get any until about 20 DPO. It's all based on the amount of HCG in your system. There are no normal amounts for any time frame. Just as long as the number doubles its self every 48 hours or so it's considered healthy and less of a chance of miscarriage.

My first pregnancy I didn't take a test until 4 days after a missed period, so of course it was positive. However, that was 24 DPO. I was already 5 weeks pregnant when I took my first test. I KNEW I was pregnant, but didn't have the chance or privacy to take one until then because of our trip to Hawaii. I wasn't going to start taking pregnancy tests while I was visiting my Grandma! lol

I'm just hoping that, if I AM pregnant again already, that my levels will go up quick enough for me to see it early on a test. My plan is to test every day through the date my period is due, which is February 15th (for a 35 day cycle) I've already taken 2 tests for a website that lets you plot out each day you take a test and announces when you've finally gotten a positive on a specific test, like how early that particular test will give you a positive result. This is with the Clear Blue Easy Digital test. I'm only at 4DPO today so it's impossible to get a positive. But you never know!

Once I get the other tests in the mail I'll have a better chance of seeing an early positive result. Until then, I'm taking these JUST IN CASE :P

If I have no symptoms and still ALL negative tests by the time my period is due, I'll assume it's negative and prepare to start trying again next month :P I want to make it a little more special :P Having it planned out a little better should help out.

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